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LISINI Brunello di Montalcino 2019

Brunello di Montalcino D.O.C.G. 2019
Id produktu: 84
Format 0,75 l Standard
Region Tuscany
Grapes 100% Sangiovese
Location Sant' Angelo in Colle - Montalcino (SI)
Climate Characterized by dry summers and mild winters due to the influence of the hot winds coming from the Maremma. Altitude: 300-350 m. a.s.l.
Composition of the land Tufaceo of Eocene origin.
System Low spurred cordon (70 cm from the ground).
Plants / hectare 3,300 plants / ha in the oldest vineyards; 5,400 pantees / ha in recently-built vineyards.
Harvest Manual with selection of individual bunches.
Vinification Performed in steel tanks with duration, including the period of maceration on the skins, variable between 20 and 26 days. Thermocontrolled fermentation between 24 and 26 ° C. Daily chemical analyzes. Daily punching performed manually. Draw-off with soft pressing. Malolactic fermentation. Spontaneous clarification without filtration.
Aging Performed in Slavonian oak barrels of variable volume from 20 to 50 HI for a period of 42 months. Further aging in bottles of 6/8 months.
Alcohol 14.50% by volume

Brunello je považované za jedno z najväčších vyjadrení talianskeho vinárstva. Je vyrobené výhradne z hrozna Sangiovese Grosso. Brunello Montalcino LISINI, má vynikajúce vlastnosti kvôli nikdy nekončiacej starostlivosti o existujúce aj nové rastliny viniča pestované tradičnými metódami. Vinárstvo pravidelne dosahuje výnimočné kvality aj v menej priaznivých rokoch.

Considered one of the greatest expression of the italian enology, the Brunello of Montalcino is produced exclusively with grapes of the homonymous vitigno which is a variety of Sangiovese grosso. The Brunello of Montalcino of the Lisini Farm, has outstanding characterics due to a continuos care of the new plants grown with traditional methods, never forced, but carefully selected by thinning out the brunches during their growth and finally chossing the grapes during the vintage. If you add to all this the modern methods of wine-making, the result is exceptional even when the season has not been favorable.

LISINI is one of Montalcino's oldest wine estates. The Clementi family, being of Jewish origin from Venice, fought alongside the Medicis in their conquest of Montalcino, for which Capt. Silvio Clementi was rewarded with the Pecci palace in Montalcino, as well as buying another propriety in Sant’Angelo in Colle.

Today, signor Filippo Paoletti is responsible for making the five traditional wines, using cement and large oak casks: San Biagio IGT Toscano Rosso, Rosso di Montalcino, Brunello di Montalcino, Brunello di Montalcino Riserva, Ugolaia Brunello di Montalcino Riserva (a single vineyard wine).

Pre členov wineshelf klubu iba: 54,00€
Dostupnosť: skladom
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