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Raventos i Blanc - Textures de Pedra 2017

Netradičné avšak výnimočné je toto šumivé víno ( CAVA ) dorobené z troch miestnych tmavých odrôd. (Katalánsko / ES)
Id produktu:

This CAVA is the combination of three local black grape varieties: Xarel·lo vermell, Bastard Negre and Sumoll. Textures de Pedra is a vin gris concentrated on the palate and with a great potential for ageing.

Region: Conca del Riu Anoia
Soil: Soils of marine origin, with a large presence of calcareous pebbles eroded from the Catalan moun- tain range that existed some 120M years ago.
Location: Raventós i Blanc
Orientation: North - East
Varieties: 50% Xarel·lo Vermell, 25% Sumoll y 25% Bastard Negre
Aging: On lees, minimum of 48 months

Pre členov wineshelf klubu iba: 34,80€
Dostupnosť: skladom
Posielame do 24 hod. od prijatia úhrady
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