100% Nebbiolo
Origin area: the cru Rocche in La Morra
Vineyard’s age: 36 years
Vineyard’s size: 0,8 Ha
Crop density: 4.000 stocks/Ha
Exposure: south-east
Soil: sandy
Training system: classic Guyot method with medium-short trimming Per-stock yield: 1 kg grapes (with 25-30% pruning)
Intenzívna rubínovo červená farba s ľahkými granátovými odleskami. Náznaky dreva dokonale zladené s kvetnato korenenou arómou robia toto víno veľmi jemné a vyvážené. Evidentne tanínové pocity v ústach, ktoré sú neobvyklé pre vína z Barolo z Rocche dell'Annunziata cru vinohradov, sú dobre integrované so silnou, ale elegantnou štruktúrou.
Intense ruby-red hue with light garnet reflections. Oaky notes perfectly blending in a flowery, spicy aroma make the wine extremely fine and balanced. Evident tannic sensations in mouth, which are unusual in the Barolo wines from Rocche dell’Annunziata cru, are well-integrated with a powerful but elegant structure.
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